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Sailing in the high seas, shipping sector claims VAT exemption

Genoa – The theme, triggered by a regulatory change that occurred in 2012 following an EU infringement procedure, has been the focus of the maritime sector since the Revenue Agency issued application instructions for the first time.

Not imposing VAT on ships that executed more than 70% of their trips in high seas. The theme, triggered by a regulatory change that occurred in 2012 following an EU infringement procedure, has been the focus of the maritime sector since the Revenue Agency issued application instructions for the first time. The delicacy of the matter, affecting the entire economy of the sea has urged Federagenti, together with other associations and Fincantieri, to offer their co-operation to the Revenue Agency. This is the key to the “recommendations” that Anpan, Assopetrol, Assorimorchi, Fedarlinea, Federagenti, Fincantieri, Assocostieri and Italian Nautica have sent to the Revenue Agency. “Ucina welcomes the position of Federagenti with Assorimorchiatori and Fedarlinea, who after several months align themselves with the request for clarification on “High Seas” navigation presented to the Revenue Agency by Ucina together with Anpan at the beginning of May last,” stated the association. “It’s a shame that up until now, there was neither the will, nor the power for all of us to be cohesive,” comments Ucina’s president, Carla Demaria.

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